Monday, November 9, 2020

My Summer Poem


In summer, I can smell the wonderful meat sizzling on the BBQ.

It is as hot as an Australian desert.

I can feel the bright sun shining down on my shoulders.

I can hear the beautiful birds chirping as they fly around the cloudless sky.

I can see some beautiful flowers in my garden.

I can taste the fresh summer air in a little breeze.

The grass is lime green with little dry spots from the burning hot sun.

Friday, October 23, 2020

my letter

Dear Mr Spriggs, We need your help we need you to come to Makauri School to weld some metal pipes together so we can have some rugby posts in our school field. We know your a professional at welding so you wouldn’t say no would you? We need rugby posts for many reasons. We need rugby posts for when the rugby team has a home game and another school comes over and we have to set up cones and have different rules. Which is annoying for both teams playing. Another reason is we want to play kicks at playtime. We could be have a lot more fun so it’s up to you, Do you want to make us happier? So I hope you decide to help us make an Improvement to our school and make it better for generations of kids. Yours sincerely Jack Buchanan. Looking forward to your response.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

what confident is and what confident isn't.

 we have been learning about what confident is and isn't.

being confident is...

  • standing up to everyone. (including your friends).
  • not being a bystander.
  • say something to a crowd of people.

confident isn't...
  • being a bully.
  • being shy.
  • being scared.